Thursday, February 02, 2012

IPad2 Giveaway from AppsSchool

I just entered to win an iPad2 gift package from @Apps_School!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

3:44 a.m.

Sleep...why do you evade me so?

I can't wait for Friday. My very dear friend Tami is coming to MN to visit me. NO ONE comes to MN to visit me! Granted, she's only in MI as opposed to NV. Nonetheless, don't begrudge me my coup. She asked her husband for this trip to MN for her birthday present. Last year, she flew me to MI to drive with her to OH to attend a theology conference where a mutual friend was speaking...and she asked for THAT trip from her husband for her birthday. I've been her birthday present for two years in a row! Woo hoo!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Tennis Shoes

So, I bought a new pair of tennis shoes from Like most people, I really prefer to try on shoes before I buy them, but this has proven to be rather unrealistic. See...I have short, fat feet. When you live in New Scandinavia, aka Minnesota, you learn to accept certain things. The white liquid stuff is "melk." Asking someone if they want to "go with" is perfectly acceptable...even coming from a grammar teacher. Pickled fish, "lutefisk," enjoys almost sainted status. And the women are descended from the Amazon. They are tall, have large frames, and big, narrow feet.


Saturday, March 06, 2010

Can it be? Another post?

...and you thought you'd have to wait another two years! O, ye of little faith... So, things have not been all perfect and peaceful at our house lately. The problem? Me. I'm the problem. I have a mountain of lofty goals and a modicum of time in which to reach them. Why? I can't seem to turn people down. I hate to disappoint people. There, I said it. I'm a people-pleaser. Somebody please direct me to my 12-step program so I can be "healed" of this "disease." Hopefully, I'm already on my way. I'm giving myself a year's sabbatical. I'm gonna' take a break from several of my duties at church and at my homeschool co-op. I think I rotate off of the board of my community chorale this year. I'm going to take NEXT summer off from the summer youth theatre program. If the county board member who appointed me to the planning commission doesn't get re-elected this year, I might even be off the hook for that one. The stated purpose of this sabbatical is to really get organized in our homeschool and actually do it the way I planned, envisioned, dreamed... Why, then, am I adding more time-consumers to my schedule? Why did I take on 2 voice students (after successfully getting rid of all of them for about a year)? Why did I volunteer to answer call center calls for my friend's ticket-sales business? Okay, both are income generators...but, seriously, is that extra few bucks a week worth my sanity? What was I thinking? Oh yeah, I was thinking, "I really don't want to disappoint these people." "No, I'm sorry, I just can't." "No, I'm unable to help with that." "I'm afraid I won't be able to do that." Shhhhhh...I'm practicing...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Review of "Wonders of Old" from Knowledge Quest

A few years ago, I started teaching history chronologically in our homeschool. One of the best tools to keep it all organized is a timeline. After perusing the options, I chose "Wonders of Old: A Blank Timeline Book of World History" from Knowledge Quest. I elected to purchase the CD-Rom version to be able to print pages as we went along. My girls tend to get overwhelmed easily, so giving them just a few pages at a time seemed to ease them into the process of creating a timeline. I like this product because of its simplicity of use and its clear instructions. Also, I found other timelines lacked the room needed to record all the information my girls wanted to include. This product has plenty of white space for recording events and dates. It also comes with category stickers to print on common label paper to help categorize the information. These were especially popular with my younger children. You won't be disappointed with this product. It is well worth its very economical price tag.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Can I keep this up?

I am notorious for starting things and never finishing. Nonetheless, this whole blogging thing has piqued my interest. Only time will tell if I manage to add updating this site to my never-ending list of stuff to which I've committed myself. That brings me to the subject of my first post...time management. Could someone please teach me how to say "yes" to everyone and everything while maintaining quality in all things? It's so hard for me to decline invitations to get involved in stuff I really want to do. Yet, I hate assuming responsibility. I want to be involved, not in charge. Why is it I keep ending up running whatever it is I join? Frustrating...